Monday 5 November 2012

Upcoming meeting.

We will have some important things happening at the at the next general meeting on November 19th.

We will be voting on whether to start a trial for 10 hour shifts for some day shift workers. The details will be posted at the two 592 notice boards at the mill and will most likely be distributed by Jim's email list.

We will be refunding the strike funds to those that paid into it over the last several years. The local has done an excellent job of keeping track of how much each member gave. Linda and Jim are in the process of contacting retirees and those no longer with the local to let them know that the money is available.

If you are still a member of the local you can pick up your cheque at the next general meeting. Retirees can pick up theirs at the NOVEMBER 16th retirees gettogether. There will also be some days that Andy will be at the hall during business hours, I will post when those days will be as soon as possible. It is very important that everyone cash their cheques as soon as possible.

The last day to pick up your cheque will be December 17th, the last general meeting of the year.

In Solidarity

Adam Currey

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